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Bartending In One Day - Learn skills needed to become a professional in one day.

Bartending in One Day - Bartending in One Day teaches all the skills needed to become a professional bartender or an accomplished amateur in as little as on day, saving you the time and expense of attending bartending schools.

Bartending Inside-Out - The Guide to Profession, Profit and Fun.

Bartending Inside-Out - Guide to profession, profit & fun.

Gel-N-Shots for Fun and Profit - Jello Shots Recipes

Happy Hour Bartending & Cocktails - Bartending and Cocktail Guide ... Techniques and cocktails for home .... the novice

The Webtender Bookstore - Find books on tending bar.

"You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. "

-Mae West

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John Smith lived in Staten Island, New York and worked in Manhattan. He had to take the ferryboat.....

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Steril Skater